Frequently Asked Questions

Version 13

Last Updated 2023-09-23 01:43 AM

What types of facilities currently have standardized Standard Operating Procedure Templates?

  • The site currently has a full complement of SOPs for these four facility types in the Cannabis industry:
  • Cultivation
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation / Distribution
  • Retail / Dispensaries
  • The site also supports the above 4 facility types in the Hemp industry

How much does the site cost?

  • The site is priced per facility. To use the standard templates that come with each facility, the first facility of a particular type costs $5000; additional facilities of the same type (i.e. if you`ve already purchased a facility of that type) are $1500. The facility fee is a one-time cost, and includes a grace period subscription of 30 days. If you would like us to create custom templates for your facilities, the cost of each facility is $20000 for the first facility of a particular type, and $5000 for each subsequent facility of the same type. If this customized template option appeals to you, make sure when filling in your Facility details that the `I need help customizing my templates!` box is checked.
  • In order to use the site`s full functionality, you must also purchase a subscription. You will automatically receive a free 30 days subscription on purchase of a facility; beyond that, if you wish to continue using the full feature set of the site, the cost will depend on the number of employees across all your facilities:
  • Tier 1: $12/ employee / month for 1 to 50 employees.
  • Tier 2: $10/ employee / month for 51 to 150 employees.
  • Tier 3: $8/ employee / month for 151 or more employees.
  • On both subscriptions and facility payments, you are required to pay New Mexico taxes. Because we are a New Mexico company, New Mexico requires any website service purchases to be taxed at a rate of 7.875%.

What agreements am I required to sign when purchasing my first facility?

There are 3 agreements that you will need to acknowledge by electronic signature, prior to purchasing your first facility:

Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

SAAS Terms and Conditions

Why am I charged taxes on Facility or Subscription purchases?

  • BuildMySOP is a New Mexico company, and New Mexico is a state that requires any website service purchases to be taxed at a rate of 7.875%.

What happens if my subscription expires?

  • When your subscription expires, you will no longer be able to:
  • Edit SOPS or Logs and Forms
  • Train employees on SOPs
  • View data related to employee training
  • View, add, or edit Employee Write-Ups
  • You will still be able to:
  • View SOPs and Logs and Forms, in both web and PDF format
  • View, add, or edit facility information
  • View, add, or edit employee information
  • Rest assured, if your subscription expires, even though you may have lost access to some of the data, it is still there. Once you purchase a new subscription, you can pick right back up where you left off!

What should I do if I tried to sign up but I never receive the registration email?

It may be that your email client designated the email as `junk` mail. Try checking your junk mail folder for the email. If you are able, you could also try whitelisting the domain `` in your email client to ensure all future emails arrive in your inbox.

If the email is not in your junk folder, you may contact the help desk ( for assistance in completing your registration.

What if I need to add additional employee licenses to my subscription?

  • The employee capacity of your subscription can be increased at any time. If you visit the My Account -> Manage Subscription page, you can increase the subscription employee count. If you only wish to add employees to your existing subscription, but do not want to extend the expiration date of your subscription, simply input an increased value in the Employee Capacity field and click Continue To Payment. The system will calculate the amount owed as: (New Employee Capacity - Old Employee Capacity) * Remaining months on current subscription * Tier cost per employee per month.
  • For example, if you had 6.5 months remaining on your current subscription, and wished to increase your employee count from 45 to 65, the calculation would be:
  • (65-45) * 6.5 * 10, or
  • 130 * 10
  • Tax would also be added on to the total at a rate of 7.875%

Can I create my own SOPs, tailored to my particular business?

  • Of course! That is the power of this site. Although we provide a standard set of commonly used SOPs, you are free to add in your own as needed. By assigning an ID to the SOP, you can fit the SOP in between existing SOPS, or put it at the beginning or end of your list of SOPS for a particular category.
  • Or, if you would prefer, you can have one of our SOP consultants create those custom SOPs for you!

Can I track information related to my employees using the site for training and development?

Yes! Our site has the ability to maintain a list of your current employees. We currently allow for the input of the following employee information:

  • Employee Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Employee ID
  • Whether they are a Trainer or a Manager (or just an ordinary employee)
  • Position in the company
  • Date Hired
  • Notes
  • Badge Number

In addition to the above, you can also add any document or image attachments to each employee. For example, you may want to tie tax documents related to each employee to their employee record.

The site also has the ability to `Deactivate` employees, which will take them from your active employee list, but they will still be available in the system if you ever need to re-activate them or refer to information on a past employee.

Finally, the site has the ability to add Employee Incident Reports for incidents that may have occurred related to the employee. It will track the employee`s statement, the employer`s statement, as well as the date, time, and the type of incident that occurred. In addition, you can require that both a manager and the employee being written up have to sign the incident report (online, of course). This way, you have a permanent, signed copy of the report you can refer back to at any time!

How can I get my employees login access to the site?

The correct way to provide employees access to the site is to use the Facility->Employees page, select an employee, and click the `Register` button toward the bottom of the page. This will send a registration email to your employee allowing them to log on to the site using their own account. Depending on if the employee is marked as a Trainer, Manager, or Auditor, they will have different functionality available to them once logged in.

NOTE - if you are an account owner, you should NEVER share your account login credentials with your employees to maintain data integrity, security, and privacy.

Can I get a refund if the product isn’t for me?

Unfortunately no, all sales are final. We don’t offer refunds because once we’ve sold you our product - there is no way we can prevent you from using it.

Do SOP’s include regulatory requirements for state licensing?

No, our SOPs are a starting point for your business and are not tailored to local municipalities’ compliance and regulation requirements. If you need help meeting state requirements we have tech writers and compliance officers that can be consulted for an additional fee. Contact us today for more information and a consultation.

What if I need to add additional employee licenses to my subscription?

The employee capacity of your subscription can be increased at any time. If you visit the My Account -> Manage Subscription page, you can increase the subscription employee count. If you only wish to add employees to your existing subscription, but do not want to extend the expiration date of your subscription, simply input an increased value in the Employee Capacity field and click Continue To Payment. The system will calculate the amount owed as: (New Employee Capacity - Old Employee Capacity) * Remaining months on current subscription * Tier cost per employee per month + Tax.

For example, if you had 6.5 months remaining on your current subscription, and wished to increase your employee count from 45 to 65, the calculation would be: (65-45) *6.5 * $10 = $1300 OR 130 * $10 = $1300 pre-tax; Tax would be $102.38 (rate is 7.875%) for a total of $1402.38

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